Sunday, November 8, 2015

How might technology shape business report formats and their delivery in the future?

Technology is currently changing the way business reports are formatted and delivered.  We live in times where information must be relayed not only quickly, but also presented in a clear and concise manner.
I believe in the near future business reports will not be as long and wordy, simply because of the culture we live in.  Everything is moving so quickly, business decisions are no longer just made through reading reports.   More and more business decisions are made on a golf course or at a business dinner with mutual acquaintances; where trust and credibility have already been established.
Technology has and will continue to afford businesses to obtain and relay information in an efficient and effective manner.  I believe technology will not only advance how we present a business report, but also how we collect data for the business report. 
 I think the future of technology will invent a software that will allow us to input the data needed to write a business report and the software will write the report.  Imagine the amount of time that would be saved by not having to collect information or research data. Also, time and effort would be saved by not having to proof read or formatting your document.  And then imagine if the receiver of the report can chose which technology he wants to use to read the report.  All this may sound twenty-second century, but I believe it’s closer than we think.
New technology is shaping and will continue to shape how we format and deliver business reports in the future. As the globalization of the world continues, so will the demand for pertinent business information to be relay in a timely and concise manner.

1 comment:

  1. There are standard softwares available for business such as Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, and Outlook etc., which cater to the everyday needs of most businesses.
